I saw this as a flash-by text on CNN whilst at the gym today, and then found this article from the Hill.
United Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud. It's only 44 observers, but they're going to PA, OH, WI, TX and one other state i can't think of (and the article doesn't say) in response to a request from NAACP, ACLU and others. I, for one, am glad that there are going to be neutral observers who can actually report what's going on w/o any kind of D/R bias.Of course, the conservative groups behind the voter-suppression tactics are aghast. The doosh, er president, of True the Vote slammed the civil rights groups, having a sad that they didn't turn to "american" sources to watch the vote. Ridiculous on its face.