We've known for 8 long years just how out-of-date and undemocratic the Electoral College is. Started as yet another check against the "mobacracy," it is high time that we, as a country, moved past such things and had our president chosen by popular vote.
This would have the added benefit of further cementing America as one nation, rather than a collection of states, as has been happening steadily, one could argue, since the very inception of the federal gov't, but started in earnest after the Civil War. (The simple fact that we say "the United States IS" and not "the United States ARE" as was the custom is a testament to that fact.)
However, in my opinion, a popularly-elected presidency does not go far enough in unifying our nation. It is my belief that we also need a popularly-elected, proportional, Senate as well.
In all other ways (duties, legislation, confirmations, etc), it would be exactly the same, except that Senate wouldn't be re-formed every 2 years with a third "new" membership.