[I edited this diary for clarity]
So the first three towns in the First-In-The-Nation Primary have given us results. Totals for all three are:
Trump 9 |
Cruz 9 |
Kasich 9 |
Christie 2 |
Bush 1 |
Carson 1 |
Rubio 1 |
Dixville Notch Totals:
Bernie: 4, Clinton: 0
Kasich: 3, Trump: 2
Millsfield Totals:
Cliton: 2, Bernie: 1
Cruz: 9, Trump: 3, Kasich: 1
Hart’s Location Totals:
Sanders 12, Clinton 7, Greenstein 2
Kasich 5, Trump 4, Cristie 2, Bush 1, Carson 1, Rubio 1 (h/t slinkerwink)
Past Winners (non-incumbent party only):
1980: Reagan, Bush tie
1984: Hollings
1988: Gephart; Bush
1992: Clinton
1996: Dole
2000: Bradley; Bush
2004: Clark
2008: Obama; McCain
2012: Romney
Clearly, armed with this new data, we can see it truly means absolutely nothing. Use this as an open thread to throw pie.